Get started

Set up the database

Ponder supports two database options.

  • PostgreSQL: A traditional Postgres database server. Required for production, can be used for local development.
  • PGlite: An embedded Postgres database that runs in the same process as your Ponder app. Only suitable for local development.

Choose a database

By default, Ponder uses PGlite with data stored in the .ponder directory. To use Postgres, set the DATABASE_URL environment variable to a Postgres connection string, or use explicit configuration in ponder.config.ts.

import { createConfig } from "ponder";
export default createConfig({
  database: {
    kind: "postgres",
    connectionString: "postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/dbname",
  // ... more config

Visit the ponder.config.ts API reference for more details.

Database schema

When you start a Ponder app, you must specify which database schema it should use. This is where the app will create the tables defined in ponder.schema.ts.

Use the DATABASE_SCHEMA environment variable or the --schema CLI option to configure it.

ponder start --schema my_schema


Here are the key guidelines to keep in mind when selecting a database schema.

  • No two Ponder instances/deployments can use the same database schema at the same time.
  • Tables created by ponder start are treated as valuable and will never be dropped automatically.
  • The default schema for ponder dev is public. When using ponder start, you must explicitly set the database schema; there is no default.
  • Use ponder dev for local development; ponder start is intended for production.

Read more about the instance lifecycle and database schema rules.