

Account indexing is useful for activity that is not associated with a specific contract, like transactions and native transfers to and from an address. The key difference between contracts and accounts in ponder.config.ts is that accounts do not have an ABI.

The standard Ethereum RPC does not support filtering for transactions & native transfers. So, account indexing uses a block-by-block approach which is often slower than log indexing.

Quick example

In this example, we'll index transactions sent by the Beaver block builder account.

Add an account

Add the network, address, and start block to the accounts field in ponder.config.ts.

import { createConfig } from "ponder";
export default createConfig({
  // ... more config
  accounts: {
    BeaverBuild: {
      network: "mainnet",
      address: "0x95222290DD7278Aa3Ddd389Cc1E1d165CC4BAfe5",
      startBlock: 20000000,

Register indexing functions

Register an indexing function for the transaction:from event. The framework will fetch all transactions where transaction.from matches the account address, then process each one using your indexing function.

import { ponder } from "ponder:registry";
import { transactions } from "ponder:schema";
ponder.on("BeaverBuild:transaction:from", async ({ event, context }) => {
  await context.db.insert(transactions).values({
    from: event.transaction.from,
    value: event.transaction.value,
    gasUsed: event.transactionReceipt.gasUsed,
    // ... more fields

Account indexing also supports the transaction:to, transfer:from, and transfer:to events. Read more about event types.

Account name

Every account must have a unique name, provided as a key to the accounts object. Names must be unique across accounts, contracts, and block intervals.

import { createConfig } from "ponder";
import { http } from "viem";
export default createConfig({
  networks: {
    mainnet: { chainId: 1, transport: http(process.env.PONDER_RPC_URL_1) },
  accounts: {
    BeaverBuild: {
      network: "mainnet",
      address: "0x95222290DD7278Aa3Ddd389Cc1E1d165CC4BAfe5",
      startBlock: 12439123,


The network option for accounts works the same way as it does for contracts. Read more.


The address option for accounts works the same way as it does for contracts. You can provide a single address, a list of addresses, or an address factory. You can also specify network-specific overrides. Read more.

Block range

The startBlock and endBlock options for accounts work the same way as it does for contracts. Read more.